Comprehensive but quick valuations and analyses all from within the same, clearly laid out and intuitive screen - no hopping around from screen to screen.
Want to value to an initial yield? From an equivalent yield? What yield do I need to achieve a value of X? How do I achieve an IRR of Y%? What impact does gearing have? What about the cost of a refurbishment in year 3? Answer all of these questions (and more) in seconds.
BOE Valuer can do traditional "capitalisation" based valuations (Single Rate, Hardcore & Topslice, Term & Reversion) and DCF and IRR calculations from its detailed casfhlows.
If you're looking for an affordable alternative to Argus Enterprise, you should really have a look at BOE Valuer.
Really easy to use, inputting is particularly quick and easy compared to the competition but it still has all the power you need for comprehensive, clear reporting. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it.
We've designed our interface so that you can get a ballpark valuation done as quickly as possible, with just the bare minimum of data.
Then, once you've got a feel for the numbers, you can start refining your model. eg. detailed ERV analysis, modelling ERV growth, allowing for refurbishment costs, the impact of gearing, etc.
And it can handle anything from a single unit to a portfolio of shopping centres.
For any unit, property or portfolio you're currently reviewing, BOE Valuer shows you the lastest forecast income in a simple chart form - helping you to spot trends (and data errors) in seconds rather than minutes or hours.
Our printable reports break down all the components of the valuation, ensuring you and your clients can see exactly how the numbers have been arrived at.
You can send a complete pdf report via email with just a few clicks.
No system is an island.
BOE Valuer has built in tools to help you import data from a variety of sources, including Excel schedules, CVL files and OSCRE files.
If you’re a landlord or an asset manager, BOE Valuer can import directly from our WebTerrier cloud database to give you a complete solution.
Our reports can be exported to PDF, Word or Excel.